So..... this is the Palatometer, yes I already know what your thinking... this is another fancy smanchy piece of post modern homeware which everyone must have but no one really needs. You'd be incorrect!!! it is actually something quite different and after winning the IDES 2010 Award for product design excellence in the interactive product experiences category, a few other people thought so to.
What does it do??? Thats the question I asked. Well after completing this designer poster I can safely say I know what it does and how well it does it. It is a device used to measure the way the tongue moves
inside our mouth. And it is expected to
change the way we deal with speech impairment
and learning more about how the mouth pronounces the words we learn.
I also added in of my sketches just to demonstrate some of my BRAINY brainstorm techniques....
Will it change lives forever?? Well hopefully for Michael its does because he will one a hell of a lot of money out of it, and thats always a good thing at the end of the day.
Below is the final poster which was created using Illustrator for the major creation of the elements and Photoshop was used for the final touches and exporting of the file. So enjoy the finished product and thanks again for reading...
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